Go F*ck yourself Russian Rocket!
Written by Nina Zakhozenko
Theatre Director
1 hour
De Amsterdamse Jeugdtheaterschool
and theatre De Krakeling.
Amsterdam. Netherlands
Ukrainian and Dutch youngsters perform a play about the life of teenagers during the war.
Young refugees who fled from Ukraine, together with Dutch students of the Amsterdamse Jeugdtheaterschool, are jointly working on a play about life in the destroyed city of Irpin during the Russian invasion.
The no-longer carefree youngsters, now solely communicate
through Telegram and video and grow up fast in a world of fear, betrayal, and death. This project aims to offer a safe space for creativity and haring of stories and help the rufugees work through treir war trauma.
De Amsterdamse Jeugdtheaterschool and theatre De Krakeling.
Amsterdam. Netherlands.